Custom Development

Fulfilling real business Requirements

We believe that every custom development should fulfil a real business need. Before we start development we aim to get a clear picture of the business and how a custom development will solve the business need and how it fits in with other processes in Odoo and your business. Sometimes a better solution will be found during this discussion and other times we may be able to demonstrate an out of the box Odoo configuration that will also meet all requirements. We also have experts in systems integration that can assist with connecting third-party systems even when the third party systems vendor have not made integration easy. 

Fill out the form below to have one of our highly technical business analysts contact you. The person that you speak too will have deep technical knowledge but also be able to speak business and understand any business processes that the customisation is to work with. We hope you will be surprised with our depth of knowledge and ease that we can help understand and add clarity to your needs. We will help you deliver a solution that will help your business grow and bring innovation to your industry.
